*****= An all-time favorite |
***Learning Web DesignA Beginner's Guide to HTML, Graphics, and Beyondby Jennifer NiederstO’Reilly, Sebastopol, CA, 2001. 388 pages. Lately, I’ve talked with a few friends about building web sites. Then the library got in a new book about it. That all prompted me to finally finish reading the two books I had bought and used to get Sonderbooks.com up and running. I’ll review all three in this issue. Learning Web Design was the most useful of the three books. Anyone who wants to build a web site could do the job with this book alone. I should note that the version being sold now on Amazon.com is the second edition. I imagine that it will be even more helpful. When I started building Sonderbooks, I was using an old version of Netscape. I reasoned that if I had an old version, so might plenty of other people, so I stayed with basic HTML. I used Netscape Composer, which is free, to create my web site, so technically I didn’t need to know how to write HTML. However, Composer translates pretty directly with the HTML, so knowing the concepts of HTML, as taught in this book, I was able to set up my web site as I wanted it. This was the book that gave me the idea of using a simple table to make a navigation bar on the left side of each page. I found its examples and ideas for web design very helpful. If you wanted more images on your web site, there were also several chapters on web graphics that I didn’t really use. This book has everything you need to get a simple web site up and running. Copyright © 2003 Sondra Eklund.
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