A Discovered Alphabet
Review posted March 23, 2018.
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2017. 40 pages.
The author of this book is a science writer for a website called NASA Earth Observatory. He found the shapes of all the letters of the alphabet – in satellite images of the earth!
Some of the images look more like the letters than others. This would be an excellent book for a child who already knows their letters, but might be more difficult for one just learning the shapes.
But there’s more fun at the end. He gives details at the back of where and when each picture was taken and what type of image was used, whether Natural-color or false-color. A map shows the locations on earth that are covered. There are FAQs about the images and about the science (weather and geology, especially) at the back.
Mostly, I couldn’t stop looking at this book because it’s gorgeous and amazing. We have a beautiful planet!