Reviewed June 19, 2015.
Dey St. (William Morrow), 2015. 239 pages.
I'm reading like crazy for the 48-Hour Book Challenge, and this book is a fluffy romance that was a fun diversion. Okay, it's not exactly a romance, since the Authors' Note at the front pretty clearly indicated that the relationship is doomed.
This book is the story of a modern relationship -- told through emails and texts, not only between the principals themselves, but also with their best friends.
And yes, that rings true! In a relationship don't we go over everything with our friends? Okay, this book was nice to assure me it's not just me who does that. I loved the way Madeline analyzes everything including the speed or lack of speed with which Elliot answers her emails.
Another fun thing about the book is that the co-authors only shared with each other what the characters shared with each other -- the discussion of the relationship with the respective best friends was totally written separately.
Here's how they put it in the Authors' Note:
Somewhere deep in your Sent Items graveyard are the emails you wrote to your former flame along with the emails you wrote about those emails to your best friend. It's all right there -- a partial record of your relationship. But what if you could see the whole picture? Not just your side of it. After all, somewhere in the pixelated part of the world is your ex's inbox. Therein lies all sorts of analysis to which you were never privy. What if you could read the whole funny, tragic, wincing train wreck of it all, if you could finally open up your relationship like a dollhouse (or, say, a cadaver) and know the truth of what happened?
This book is fun and a quick read. And as someone theoretically facing the whole dating world, it made me feel not alone.